Search Results
The information these results are derived from was last updated in June 2022
Company/Business Roles
17 entities where a "Jerry WEMIN" is named as a director, owner, shareholder, secretary or agent
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Associated Names
53 people named in the entities where the name "Jerry WEMIN" appears
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Aho Nollen BALIKI | 0 matches | Director (2020 - Unknown) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Aleena BIRD | 12 matches | Secretary (2005 - 2007) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Andrew KWIMBERI | 2 matches | Shareholder (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Andrew KWIMBERI | 2 matches | Director (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Andrew KWIMBERI | 2 matches | Shareholder (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Andrew KWIMBERI | 2 matches | Director (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Anthony Ronald WITHAM | 0 matches | Director (2015 - 2016) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (Unknown - 2017) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2011 - Unknown) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008 - 2016) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008 - 2016) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2016) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008 - 2016) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2016) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2014) | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MARANA NO.1 LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008 - 2012) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008 - 2012) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Arunava BASU | 0 matches | Director (2008) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Barry Colin BOLITHO | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2001) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Benjamin Baitasnaul PASSINGAN | 0 matches | Director (1991 - 1993) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Bernard PAWIH | 0 matches | Director (2008 - 2015) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bernard PAWIH | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2015) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bernard PAWIH | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2015) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bernard PAWIH | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2015) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Bonny NINAI | 3 matches | Director (2020 - Unknown) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Brett TAYLER | 0 matches | Director (2021 - Unknown) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
Brown BAI | 51 matches | Director (2007 - 2016) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Brown BAI | 51 matches | Director (2014 - Unknown) | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MARANA NO.1 LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2011 - 2013) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2013) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2013) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2013) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2013) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2013) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Bruce MCCONAGHY | 0 matches | Director (2009 - 2012) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Cameron CLARK | 0 matches | Director (2017 - 2020) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Charles Philip MOSTERT | 0 matches | Director (2000) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Daniel ROLPAGAREA | 23 matches | Director (2007) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2017) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2017) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2016) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2017) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2017) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2016) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - Unknown) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2014 - Unknown) | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MARANA NO.1 LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Darren NINKAMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2013 - 2015) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
David James RAINEY | 0 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
David James RAINEY | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 2002) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
David MOMBERGER | 0 matches | Director (2016 - 2019) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
David MOMBERGER | 0 matches | Secretary (2019) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
David RANDLE | 0 matches | Director (2016) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
Dilu Daniel GOMA | 0 matches | Shareholder (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Dilu Daniel GOMA | 0 matches | Director (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Dilu Daniel GOMA | 0 matches | Shareholder (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Dilu Daniel GOMA | 0 matches | Director (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Dilu Daniel GOMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Dilu Daniel GOMA | 0 matches | Secretary (2002 - Unknown) | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD (2002 - Unknown) |
Dominic Steven ARMBRUST | 0 matches | Director (2015 - 2016) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
Fergus HART | 0 matches | Director (2005 - 2006) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Secretary (2017 - Unknown) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Secretary (2017 - Unknown) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Secretary (2017 - Unknown) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Francis LOLA | 0 matches | Secretary (2017 - Unknown) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Francis WALEILIA | 1 match | Director (2007) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Francois WEIDEMAN | 0 matches | Director (2001 - 2002) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Gai POBE | 0 matches | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Geoffrey HEAL | 0 matches | Director (2007 - 2008) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
George MINJIHAU | 12 matches | Director (2007 - 2008) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Goiye Kondango GILENG | 0 matches | Director (2016 - 2021) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
Hansel MAVEN | 0 matches | Director (2020 - Unknown) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Ian GODDARD | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2016) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Ian GODDARD | 1 match | Director (2013 - Unknown) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Ian GODDARD | 1 match | Director (2014 - Unknown) | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MARANA NO.1 LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Ian GODDARD | 1 match | Director (2013 - 2015) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Isaac Brian LUPARI | 1 match | Director (2014 - 2016) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Isaac LUPARI | 47 matches | Director (2007) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Jac BARU | 2 matches | Director (2003 - 2007) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
James MARAPE | 67 matches | Shareholder (2019 - Unknown) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
John Francis KAUPA | 5 matches | Director (2003 - 2007) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Joseph GABUT | 6 matches | Director (2003 - 2005) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2007 - 2013) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2011 - 2013) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2007 - 2013) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2009 - 2013) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2008 - 2013) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2008 - 2013) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2008 - 2013) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Joshua KALINOE | 17 matches | Director (2008 - 2013) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Secretary (2008 - 2012) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Secretary (2009 - 2012) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Secretary (2008 - 2012) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Secretary (2008 - 2012) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Secretary (2008 - 2012) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Director (2014) | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at MARANA NO.1 LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Karo LELAI | 1 match | Secretary (2008 - 2012) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Kennedy WEMIN | 1 match | Shareholder (2014 - Unknown) | DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Kennedy WEMIN | 1 match | Director (2014 - Unknown) | DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Kennedy WEMIN | 1 match | Shareholder (2014 - Unknown) | DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Shareholder at DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Kennedy WEMIN | 1 match | Director (2014 - Unknown) | DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED (2014 - Unknown) |
Matthew MAY | 2 matches | Director (1991 - 1992) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Secretary (2007 - 2008) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2007 - 2009) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2011 - 2013) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2014) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2007 - 2008) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Secretary (2007 - 2008) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2014) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2007 - 2008) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2014) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2008) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2014) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2008) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2014) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2014) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2009 - 2016) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Melvin YALAPAN | 1 match | Director (2008 - 2013) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Peter KUMAN | 10 matches | Director (2007) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Peter Maxwell GRAHAM | 1 match | Director (2016 - Unknown) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Peter Maxwell GRAHAM | 1 match | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Peter Maxwell GRAHAM | 1 match | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Peter Maxwell GRAHAM | 1 match | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Peter Maxwell GRAHAM | 1 match | Director (2017 - Unknown) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Peter NUPIRI | 3 matches | Director (2017 - 2020) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Peter O'NEILL | 120 matches | Shareholder (2012 - 2019) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Reuben AILA | 2 matches | Director (2019 - 2021) | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED (2016 - Unknown) |
Richard TENGDUI | 3 matches | Director (2010 - 2016) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Richard TENGDUI | 3 matches | Director (2013 - Unknown) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Richard TENGDUI | 3 matches | Director (2013 - 2015) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Rogen WATO | 13 matches | Director (2016 - Unknown) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Rogen WATO | 13 matches | Secretary (2016 - Unknown) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Rogen WATO | 13 matches | Director (2016 - Unknown) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Rogen WATO | 13 matches | Secretary (2016 - Unknown) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Sumasy SINGIN | 5 matches | Director (2007 - 2014) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2013 - 2017) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2015 - 2016) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2015 - 2017) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2015 - 2017) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2014 - 2015) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2015 - 2017) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Wapu Rodney SONK | 6 matches | Director (2016 - Unknown) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Wapu Rodney SONK | 6 matches | Director (2016 - Unknown) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED (2007 - 2016) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED (2013 - Unknown) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | EDA OIL LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA OIL LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | KUMUL LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at KUMUL LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2016) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | EDA ENERGY LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA ENERGY LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | EDA MINERALS LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA MINERALS LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | EDA LNG LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at EDA LNG LIMITED (2014 - 2015) |
Wayne KASOU | 2 matches | Secretary (2012 - 2013) | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED | Jerry WEMIN was a Director at TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED (2015) |
Associated Addresses
39 addresses listed together with the name "Jerry WEMIN"
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
C/- Unitech, Fmb, Arpa, Lae, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | GURUAL MUM PMV |
P O Box 673, Waigani, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KUMUL LNG LIMITED |
P O Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA LNG LIMITED |
P O Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA MINERALS LIMITED |
P.O.Box 4754, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KB 2020 INVESTMENT LIMITED |
P.O.Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, 111, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | PSBAHRREH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA OIL LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | PS WHEMYNBARREH LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA ENERGY LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED |
Po Box 7934, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | PNG CORPORATE PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE LIMITED |
Portion 1098, 512 Consolidated, Sogeri Road, 17 Mile, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | PS WHEMYNBARREH LIMITED |
Portion 2434, 17 Mile, Granville, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | MILLENIUM INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD |
Portion 512 Granville, 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA LNG LIMITED |
Portion 512 Granville, 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA MINERALS LIMITED |
Portion 512 Granville, 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KUMUL LNG LIMITED |
Portion 512 Granville, Sogeri Road, 17 Mile, Central Province, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | MARANA NO.1 LIMITED |
Portion 512 Granville, Sogeri Road, 17 Mile, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KUMUL MINERALS HOLDINGS LIMITED |
Portion 512 Granville, Sogeri Road, 17 Mile, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA KOPA (SOLWARA) LIMITED |
Portion 512 Granville, Sogeri Road, Granville, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | DYNAMICS INCORPORATED LIMITED |
Portion 512, Granvile, 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | TOLUKUMA GOLD MINES LIMITED |
Portion 512, Granville 17 Mile Sogeri Road, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA ENERGY LIMITED |
Portion 512, Granville 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | PNG CORPORATE PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE LIMITED |
Portion 512, Granville, 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | EDA OIL LIMITED |
Portion 512, Granville, 17 Mile, Sogeri Road, Port Moresby, Central Province, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | SUNRISE ASSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED |
Section 34, Allotment 470, Waigani, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KB 2020 INVESTMENT LIMITED |
Section 438, Allotment 5, Orchid Street, Islander Village, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | PSBAHRREH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED |
Section 470, Allotment 34, Waigani, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | KB 2020 INVESTMENT LIMITED |
Unitech, Ward 6, Lae Urban Llg Area, Lae District, Lae, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea | Jerry WEMIN | GURUAL MUM PMV |
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