Search Results
The information these results are derived from was last updated in June 2022
Company/Business Roles
8 entities where a "Bernadette Pio MAINO" is named as a director, owner, shareholder, secretary or agent
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | 20 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2008 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Bernadette Pio MAINO | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 2005 | 2006 |
Associated Names
54 people named in the entities where the name "Bernadette Pio MAINO" appears
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1999 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1996 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1996 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1996 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1996 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Amalgamted Into Oil SEARCH LTD | 0 matches | Shareholder (1996 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Anthea Lynne MCKINNELL | 0 matches | Director (2021 - Unknown) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Boas WILLIAM | 0 matches | Director (1999 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Brian HORWOOD | 0 matches | Director (2004 - Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Brown BAI | 51 matches | Director (1998 - 1999) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Bruce Robert HABERFIELD | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1997) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Bruce Robert HABERFIELD | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1997) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Bruce Robert HABERFIELD | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1997) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Bruce Robert HABERFIELD | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1997) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Bruce Robert HABERFIELD | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1997) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1999 - 2000) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1999 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1999 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Charles Watson LEPANI | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Chauka CHAKUMAI | 0 matches | Director (1999) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive HILDEBRAND | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Clive Perry HILDEBRAND | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Company AMALGAMATED INTO OIL SEARCH | 0 matches | Director (Unknown) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
David Ross BEATTY | 0 matches | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Francis John KAUPA | 0 matches | Director (1999 - 2002) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Francis KAUPA | 12 matches | Director (1999 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Francis KAUPA | 12 matches | Director (1999 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Fraser AINSWORTH | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Gerea AOPI | 55 matches | Director (1997 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Gerea AOPI | 55 matches | Director (2006 - 2020) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Gerea AOPI | 55 matches | Secretary (2008 - 2020) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Harry Kevin MCCANN | 0 matches | Director (1996 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Ian JOHNSON | 3 matches | Director (2000 - 2001) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Isaac LUPARI | 47 matches | Director (1997 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
James Smith LOKO | 2 matches | Director (1996 - 1997) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Jeffery Allan QUARTERMAINE | 0 matches | Director (1999 - 2002) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Jeffrey Allan QUARTERMAINE | 0 matches | Director (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Jeffrey Allan QUARTERMAINE | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Jeffrey Allan QUARTERMAINE | 0 matches | Director (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Jeffrey Allan QUARTERMAINE | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Francis KAUPA | 5 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Francis KAUPA | 5 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Francis KAUPA | 5 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Francis KAUPA | 5 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Francis KAUPA | 5 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Howard AKEHURST | 0 matches | Director (2002) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
John Lanktree STITT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Keiran John WULFF | 0 matches | Director (2020 - 2021) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Kevin Thomas GALLAGHER | 0 matches | Director (2021 - Unknown) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (1999 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (1999 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Koiari TARATA | 25 matches | Director (2002 - 2004) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANIOU | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Kostas CONSTANTINOU | 3 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Leon BUSKENS | 5 matches | Director (2020 - Unknown) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Lindsay Thomas MACALISTER | 0 matches | Director (1996 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Margaret Tini PARUA | 1 match | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Margareth Tini PARUA | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Margareth Tini PARUA | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Margareth Tini PARUA | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Margareth Tini PARUA | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Martin Douglas Eberlein KRIEWALDT | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Martin KRIEWALDT | 2 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Mete KAHONA | 49 matches | Director (2000 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael DREW | 0 matches | Director (2020 - 2021) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Michael Gerard SULLIVAN | 0 matches | Secretary (2002) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Michael Gerard SULLIVAN | 0 matches | Director (2007 - 2009) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Ian UIARI | 0 matches | Secretary (2000 - 2005) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Michael Roger BROMLEY | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2002) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Morea VELE | 24 matches | Director (1998) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Nereo BEANGKE | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Nereo BEANGKE | 0 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Nigel Denis Richard HARTLEY | 0 matches | Director (2007 - 2009) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Noreo BEANGKE | 32 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Noreo BEANGKE | 32 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Noreo BEANGKE | 32 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Noreo BEANGKE | 32 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Noreo BEANGKE | 32 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Noreo BEANGKE | 32 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Patrck Ketapala KOLTA | 0 matches | Director (2000 - 2001) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Frances TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Frances TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Patricia Francis TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Francis TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Francis TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Francis TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Francis TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patricia Francis TAUREKA | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Patrick Ketapala KOLTA | 0 matches | Director (2000) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Peter Robert BOTTEN | 4 matches | Director (2002 - 2020) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2001 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2006) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Robert IGARA | 39 matches | Director (2002 - 2007) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (JUHA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (KUTUBU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (RAMU) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (GOBE) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (MISIMA) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OIL SEARCH (DRILLING) LIMITED (2005 - 2008) |
Trevor KENNEDY | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2003) | OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS (LIHIR) LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Vele IAMO | 48 matches | Director (1998 - 1999) | OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED | Bernadette Pio MAINO was a Secretary at OROGEN MINERALS LIMITED (2005 - 2006) |
Associated Addresses
16 addresses listed together with the name "Bernadette Pio MAINO"
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
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