Search Results
The information these results are derived from was last updated in June 2022
Company/Business Roles
3 entities where a "Maurice John SMITH" is named as a director, owner, shareholder, secretary or agent
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Maurice John SMITH | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | 4 matches | Secretary | 1991 | 1999 |
Maurice John SMITH | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | 4 matches | Director | 1996 | 1999 |
Maurice John SMITH | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 1991 | 1999 |
Maurice John SMITH | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | 0 matches | Director | 1996 | 1999 |
Maurice John SMITH | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | 0 matches | Director | 1994 | 1999 |
Maurice John SMITH | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | 0 matches | Secretary | 1994 | 1999 |
Associated Names
20 people named in the entities where the name "Maurice John SMITH" appears
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Alan CAMERON | 0 matches | Director (1984 - 1986) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Alan CAMERON | 0 matches | Director (1984 - 1986) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Alan Lachlan CAMERON | 0 matches | Director (1982 - 1984) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Alan Lachlan CAMERON | 0 matches | Director (1982 - 1984) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Alan WARE | 0 matches | Secretary (1980 - 1994) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Alan WARE | 0 matches | Secretary (1980 - 1994) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1984 - Unknown) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Alex TONGAYU | 23 matches | Shareholder (1984 - Unknown) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Alexandra Iain GRASSIE | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1994) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Alexandra Iain GRASSIE | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1994) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Alexandra Iain GRASSIE | 0 matches | Director (1982 - 1994) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Alexandra Iain GRASSIE | 0 matches | Director (1982 - 1994) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Allan WARE | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1994) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Allan WARE | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1994) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Anthony HONEY | 4 matches | Director (1994 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Anthony HONEY | 4 matches | Director (1994 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Anthony HONEY | 4 matches | Director (1998 - Unknown) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Anthony HONEY | 4 matches | Director (1998 - Unknown) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Director (2008 - Unknown) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Director (1998 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Director (2008 - Unknown) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Director (1998 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Secretary (2008 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Secretary (2002 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Secretary (2008 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Secretary (2002 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Anthony Mark HONEY | 0 matches | Secretary (2002 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Garry Peter HERSEY | 2 matches | Director (2015 - 2016) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Garry Peter HERSEY | 2 matches | Director (2015 - 2016) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Glen Robert BLAKE | 2 matches | Director (2008 - 2012) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Glen Robert BLAKE | 2 matches | Director (2008 - 2012) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Hakiso SO-OMBA | 2 matches | Director (1986 - 2004) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Hakiso SO-OMBA | 2 matches | Director (1986 - 2004) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Hakiso SO-OMBA | 2 matches | Director (1996 - Unknown) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Hakiso SO-OMBA | 2 matches | Director (1996 - Unknown) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Kevin MANSU | 2 matches | Director (1952 - 1994) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Kevin MANSU | 2 matches | Director (1952 - 1994) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Kui San LU | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Kui San LU | 1 match | Director (2002 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Masket IANGALIO | 14 matches | Director (2003 - Unknown) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Masket IANGALIO | 14 matches | Director (2003 - Unknown) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Masket IANGALIO | 14 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Masket IANGALIO | 14 matches | Director (2004 - 2006) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Navi ANIS | 1 match | Director (1994 - 2004) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Navi ANIS | 1 match | Director (1994 - 2004) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Navi ANIS | 1 match | Director (1995 - 2003) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Navi ANIS | 1 match | Director (1995 - 2003) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Peter Allan LOWING | 3 matches | Director (2021 - Unknown) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Peter Allan LOWING | 3 matches | Director (2021 - Unknown) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2013 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2008 - 2010) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2004 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2013 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2008 - 2010) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2004 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2013 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2008 - 2010) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2004 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2013 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2008 - 2010) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2004 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2013 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2008 - 2010) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2004 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2013 - 2017) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2008 - 2010) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Robert NILKARE | 6 matches | Director (2004 - 2008) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2012 - 2013) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Thomas ABE | 1 match | Director (2012 - 2013) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Wasantha KUMARASIRI | 15 matches | Director (2013 - 2015) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Wasantha KUMARASIRI | 15 matches | Director (2013 - 2015) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Yvonne CHOO | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2004) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Yvonne CHOO | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2004) | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Yvonne CHOO | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2003) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Yvonne CHOO | 1 match | Director (1996 - 2003) | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED (1994 - 1999) |
Yvonne CHOO | 1 match | Director (1998 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Director at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1996 - 1999) |
Yvonne CHOO | 1 match | Director (1998 - 2008) | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED | Maurice John SMITH was a Secretary at BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED (1991 - 1999) |
Associated Addresses
12 addresses listed together with the name "Maurice John SMITH"
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
1 Tuckey Street, Portion 483, Milinch Of Bulolo, Fourmil Of Wau, Bulolo District, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea | Maurice John SMITH | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED |
Po Box 88, Bulolo, Bulolo District, Morobe Province, 423, Papua New Guinea | Maurice John SMITH | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED |
Po Box 88, Bulolo, Bulolo District, Morobe Province, 423, Papua New Guinea | Maurice John SMITH | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED |
Portion 483, 1 Tuckey Street, Milinch Of Bulolo, Fourmil Of Wau, Bulolo District, Morobe Province, 423, Papua New Guinea | Maurice John SMITH | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED |
PostalAddress | Maurice John SMITH | BULOLO TIMBERS LIMITED |
PostalAddress | Maurice John SMITH | PNG FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED |
PostalAddress | Maurice John SMITH | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED |
Tuckey Street, Bulolo, Lae, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea | Maurice John SMITH | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED |
Tuckey Street., Bulolo, Lae, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea | Maurice John SMITH | PNGFP SOUTH COAST LIMITED |
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