Search Results
The information these results are derived from was last updated in June 2022
Company/Business Roles
4 entities where a "Gideon PINOKO" is named as a director, owner, shareholder, secretary or agent
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Name | Company/Business | Investigative Reports | Role | Start | End |
Gideon PINOKO | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | 0 matches | Director | 1984 | 1984 |
Gideon PINOKO | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | 0 matches | Director | 1985 | 1998 |
Gideon PINOKO | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED | 0 matches | Director | 1986 | – |
Gideon PINOKO | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | 0 matches | Director | 1988 | 1995 |
Gideon PINOKO | KANAKA TAVERN | 0 matches | Owner | 1995 | – |
Associated Names
50 people named in the entities where the name "Gideon PINOKO" appears
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Name | Investigative Reports | Role | Company/Business | Association |
Albert H.C. CHAN | 0 matches | Director (1994 - 1996) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Albert J. CHAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1994 - 1996) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Angeline WAROKRA | 0 matches | Secretary (2015 - 2018) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Anthony James NORMAN | 0 matches | Director (1977 - 1978) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Anthony James NORMAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1977 - 1979) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
B. K. CHONG | 0 matches | Secretary (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
B. K. CHONG | 0 matches | Secretary (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
B. K. CHONG | 0 matches | Secretary (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
B. K. CHONG | 0 matches | Secretary (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Bk CHONG | 0 matches | Director (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Bk CHONG | 0 matches | Director (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Bk CHONG | 0 matches | Director (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Bk CHONG | 0 matches | Director (1979 - 1980) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Boon Teck YAP | 0 matches | Director (1998 - 2003) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Boon Wah NG | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Boon Wah NG | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Boon Wah NG | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Boon Wah NG | 0 matches | Secretary (1996 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Chai Yin KEE | 0 matches | Director (1986 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Chai Yin KEE | 0 matches | Director (1986 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Chai Yin KEE | 0 matches | Director (1986 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Chai Yin KEE | 0 matches | Director (1986 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Chee Seng William LEE | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Chee Seng William LEE | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Chee Seng William LEE | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Chee Seng William LEE | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Chin Min WAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1995 - 1996) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Chin Min WAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1995 - 1996) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Chin Min WAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1995 - 1996) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Chin Min WAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1995 - 1996) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Choe Lam TAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1991 - 1995) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Choe Lam TAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1991 - 1995) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Choe Lam TAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1991 - 1995) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Choe Lam TAN | 0 matches | Secretary (1991 - 1995) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Choon Sen LOO | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Choon Sen LOO | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Choon Sen LOO | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Choon Sen LOO | 0 matches | Secretary (1999 - 2000) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Christopher John MURRAY | 0 matches | Secretary (1995 - 1998) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
David R. ORREN | 0 matches | Director (1994 - 1995) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1984) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1984) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Secretary (1984 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Secretary (1984 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1984) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1984) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Secretary (1984 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Secretary (1984 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
David TAGO | 0 matches | Director (1980 - 1985) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Dennis Reginald MCENCROE | 0 matches | Secretary (1981 - 1982) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Denniston John MCINNES | 0 matches | Director (1977 - 1979) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Donald Norman LEONARD | 0 matches | Secretary (1989) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Edric EUPU | 3 matches | Director (1978 - 1980) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
George CONSTANTINOU | 1 match | Director (1976 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
George CONSTANTINOU | 1 match | Director (1976 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
George CONSTANTINOU | 1 match | Director (1976 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
George CONSTANTINOU | 1 match | Director (1976 - 1988) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Heng Sewn LOI | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1996) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Herodotus CHRISTOFI | 0 matches | Secretary (1979 - 1981) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Hugh Hamilton LAIRD | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 2008) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Ian Douglas Walling GORDON | 0 matches | Secretary (1985 - 1987) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Jacob KAIRI | 2 matches | Director (1995 - Unknown) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Jacob KAIRI | 2 matches | Director (1995 - Unknown) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Jacob KAIRI | 2 matches | Director (1995 - Unknown) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Jacob KAIRI | 2 matches | Director (1995 - Unknown) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Jeffrey Lucas OGOMENI | 0 matches | Director (1985 - 1988) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
John Anthony SWEEP | 0 matches | Shareholder (1986 - Unknown) | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED (1986 - Unknown) |
John Ray PETERSEN | 0 matches | Director (1994 - 2002) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Joji HOH | 0 matches | Secretary (1987 - Unknown) | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED (1986 - Unknown) |
Kanji SUGANO | 0 matches | Director (1987 - Unknown) | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED (1986 - Unknown) |
Kenneth Edward STOKES | 0 matches | Secretary (1987 - 1989) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Kenneth Edward STOKES | 0 matches | Director (1988 - 1994) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Kenneth John CLEMENS | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 2002) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Kiat Keong LEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 1999) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Kiat Keong LEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 1999) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Kiat Keong LEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 1999) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Kiat Keong LEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1998 - 1999) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Kila SIBOLA | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 2000) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Kipling GOMBO | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Kipling GOMBO | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Kipling GOMBO | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Kipling GOMBO | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Lai Tian REE | 0 matches | Director (1986 - Unknown) | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED (1986 - Unknown) |
Lee Kim SUNG | 0 matches | Director (1976 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Lee Kim SUNG | 0 matches | Director (1976 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Lee Kim SUNG | 0 matches | Director (1976 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Lee Kim SUNG | 0 matches | Director (1976 - 1986) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Leslie G. MERSZEI | 0 matches | Director (1994 - 1995) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Long Say WAI | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Long Say WAI | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Long Say WAI | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Long Say WAI | 0 matches | Director (1995 - 1998) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Lucian VEVEHUPA | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Lucian VEVEHUPA | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Lucian VEVEHUPA | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Lucian VEVEHUPA | 1 match | Director (1984 - 1985) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Lucy SABO | 1 match | Secretary (2012 - 2015) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Marilou GABUYO | 0 matches | Secretary (2011 - 2012) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Masayasu MURAKAMI | 0 matches | Director (1987 - Unknown) | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED (1986 - Unknown) |
Michael Carrington BENDALL | 0 matches | Director (1978 - 1985) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Napoleon IKOIRERE | 2 matches | Director (1980 - 1985) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Noel RAJAN | 0 matches | Director (2009 - Unknown) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Ong Soo YEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1988 - 1989) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Ong Soo YEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1988 - 1989) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Ong Soo YEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1988 - 1989) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1985 - 1998) |
Ong Soo YEW | 0 matches | Secretary (1988 - 1989) | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED (1984) |
Patrick Francis WHITE | 0 matches | Secretary (1982 - 1985) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Sheila SUKWIANOMB | 4 matches | Secretary (2018 - Unknown) | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED | Gideon PINOKO was a Director at HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED (1988 - 1995) |
Associated Addresses
6 addresses listed together with the name "Gideon PINOKO"
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
Address | Used By | Company/Business |
Po Box 132, Popondetta, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Gideon PINOKO | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED |
Po Box 132, Popondetta, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Gideon PINOKO | HIGATURU MOTORS LIMITED |
Po Box 132, Popondetta, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea., .., Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Gideon PINOKO | COLLINGWOOD BAY TIMBER PTY. LIMITED |
Po Box 246, Popondetta, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Gideon PINOKO | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED |
Puhemo Village, Killerton Roan, Popondetta p O Box 548, Popondetta popondetta oro, .., Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Gideon PINOKO | KANAKA TAVERN |
Section Sangara, Allotment 1287, Kokoda Road, Popondetta, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea | Gideon PINOKO | AMBOGO SAWMILL LIMITED |
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